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App del giorno iOS: Tunable gratis su App Store per poco tempo


Tunable gratis per oggi sull’App Store per iOS.

mac app store1 App del giorno iOS: Tunable gratis su App Store per poco tempo

Eccoci come sempre ad un nuovo appuntamento con la nostra rubrica per le app in saldo. Si tratta infatti di app o giochi in offerta gratuita per iOS, iPhone ed iPad. Per poche ore, dunque, potrete scaricare gratis app o giochi altrimenti a pagamento. Oggi vi proponiamo in offerta gratuita Tunable, che presenta le seguenti caratteristiche:

Tunable is a chromatic tuner, tone/chord generator, metronome, and recorder that helps you learn to play steadily, in tune, and on beat. Featuring a unique “tuning history” display for visualizing pitch over time, Tunable is the perfect toolkit for beginning to professional musicians.

◆ Learn to play in tune with sustained pitch history
Visualize how steadily you play or sing. As notes are held out, a white line draws how steady the pitch is. The straighter the line, the more consistent the pitch.

◆ Improve your ear with tone and chord generator
Need a reference tone or chord? Use the tone and chord generator to play and sustain chords with various tone options. Choose from different temperaments to hear how they compare.(...)
Leggi l'articolo completo App del giorno iOS: Tunable gratis su App Store per poco tempo (278 words)

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